In 2007, the website of a clothing manufacturer caught the attention of online shoppers. It was an online store whose only aim was to sell clothes. It didn't provide anything else. Yet, visitors flocked to this website, spending a substantial amount of money on the site. Their online experience was far from what a traditional bricks-and-mortar retailer would strive to produce.
On the other hand, in a traditional store, people are not that interested in what you have for sale. All they care about is what they can buy. This is the foundation on which an online retailer builds a website that has little to do with what the consumer is looking for. Many online retailers have found their success through the use of an ecommerce platform. It is a platform that allows them to sell products without much concern for what the customer is actually looking for. That's great if you are the retailer, but not so good for the consumer.
An ecommerce website presents challenges for both the retailer and the consumer. It offers a plethora of shopping convenience. If you're selling something on the internet, you want to be able to deliver the product quickly. There's no better way to do that than by having the product delivered right to the doorsteps of the consumers.
The challenge comes from the consumer's perspective when they are presented with a new and different product with limited options for what they can actually use. This can lead to confusion, especially when you are presenting a product that has never been seen before in his life. With the limited choices, shoppers will soon tire of the process and get annoyed, and eventually steer away from your website. In the end, they'll be leaving because they feel the process was unexceptional, and unattractive, and uninspiring.
With an ecommerce platform, it's possible to design a shopping website that makes the customer feel at ease, confident and happy. It's possible to create a website that has a plethora of choice, yet gives the customer confidence to shop with confidence. The shopper is given plenty of options to choose from, but they still feel that they can trust the retailer, and that they can rely on the retailer's product. When you give a shopper something to think about, they'll soon think about it, and ultimately come back to you for your products, no matter how long it takes.
With an ecommerce platform, it's possible to create a website that has a multitude of storage spaces. It's possible to make a shopping website that gives the customer plenty of storage.
The last point is key.
Without the storage spaces, the shopper will leave. The shopper won't be satisfied with just your products. The shopper is usually bored, or simply uninterested, or just plain unimpressed with the shopping process and won't go further. When the store has one or two products that the shopper is actually interested in, the store will be out of business. When the shopper gets bored, bored, and leave. You're dead. There is no solution but to "do more and do better". And that you have to do, and do, and do, for you to make sales. And the more you do, the more you will make sales, and the more you will make sales, until you reach a point where you will start making sales at a steady rate. If you're not yet, the secret is finding products that the shopper really wants. In other words, products that a customer is interested in. That's how you find your products. Find customers that are interested in your products and they will purchase your products. And that's how you will get steady sales until you reach a point where you will start making sales at a steady rate. That's how it works. When you've found your products, and they are on the website, how do you promote them? The short answer is you promote them via other marketing outlets. You'll promote your products via social networks and via email marketing campaigns, and you'll promote your products via SEO and via article marketing. This is why the "marketing" part of eco-system selling can be so misleading.
Part 2 coming tomorrow
To your success
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